Steel Mace Vinyasa Prime 

How to Cross Train for Yoga & Strength

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Want to learn how to build strength & mobility in your practice with the Steel Mace?

Do you crave more functional movement patterns and want to ramp up your stamina?

Are you ready to optimize your shoulder mechanics and open up your hips once and for all?

Have you heard about Summer's work with Kinesiologyoga and want to learn how it works from the inside out?

Are you interested in how to cross train for both yoga & strength, and get more out of your time on the mat?

Steel Mace Vinyasa Prime is definitely for YOU!


Summer has distilled her strength & conditioning background into mobility training into this high level seminar. Expect to learn not just the mobility drills and conditioning drills that are highly effective in functional movement patterns, but also the "Why" behind the movements. This 6+ Hour seminar was filmed at Flow Shala with several coaches demonstrating and modeling proper form, as well as giving feedback on the exercises and coaching tactics.

Get Online Continued Education Certification

If you are wanting to deepen your understanding of Flow based training systems, whether or not you are a trainer/yoga instructor, you will love studying with Summer & the Flow Shala Team. Our teacher trainings are recognized by Yoga Alliance for continued education, and you can earn a Certificate of Completion for 6 hours by completing the comprehensive quiz that accompanies this online course.

Not a yoga teacher or trainer? No worries!

Our online courses are geared towards beginners and serve as a great springboard for deepening your understanding of movement. We aim to bridge the gap between strength & yoga, and give you real life applications for all of these mobility drills and yoga based conditioning exercises.

Learn to Upshift and Downshift the Breath

One of our most valuable tools in training movement is the breath. Steel Mace Vinyasa Prime covers many levels of breathing that will help you understand how to coach yourself AND your clients to enhance performance. Mobility based breathing differs from breath geared towards conditioning, and there are many levels in between. Expect to learn to understand how to elicit a parasympathetic breath response in movement, as a pathway to freedom. You'll learn to practice a force level breath and a discipline level breath while yielding your weapon in yoga asana, making you prime your neural pathways to Flow state.

What is covered in this course?

  • Flow State Theory for optimizing your time training
  • 65 Video Breakdowns with high level coaching cues & alignment
  • Mace Mechanics & biomechanics of movement to help you stay injury free
  • All Kinesiologyoga Conditioning Drills demonstrate in level 1 and 2 for a progressive practice
  • High Definition multi-angle shots of movements & live seminar
  • Priming drills for yoga & mobility training on low intensity days
  • Case studies to help better understand compensation patterns due to occupation & lifestyle
  • Coach feedback and interpersonal sharing with participants to deepen your understanding of the material

You'll Also Get:

  • Option for Continued Education Credit (6 Hours of CECs recognized by Yoga Alliance)
  • Preparation for future Steel Mace Vinyasa lvl 1 & lvl 2 Seminars
  • 65 Videos to help you master this practice
  • Full 90+ page original KINYoga instructor manual with exercise breakdowns, pictures & templates for class planning

What if I'm new to yoga or mace?

If you've been wanting to start a yoga practice, or have been told by your doctor or physical therapist to start practicing yoga, but just haven't had the time... Steel Mace Vinyasa Prime is for YOU! This program is the gateway to truly mastering movement, and becoming your own coach. When you understand the why behind the movement, you'll develop a deeper intrinsic motivation for regular practice. Our programs specialize in getting you into Flow State, and you'll never want to stop learning more about how your body works.

What to expect as takeaways from taking Steel Mace Vinyasa Prime:

  • A deeper motivation to train mobility consistently
  • A sense of mastery over shoulder mechanics and how to build strength
  • Understanding of how to prevent injury and improve motor patterns after longer term injury
  • How to speak clearly and concisely as a coach or public speaker
  • How to elicit a Flow State response consistently in a training setting
  • Key fundamentals of how to teach a mixed levels yoga & conditioning class in a group fitness setting
  • How to use coaching tactics to enhance your performance (and your client's performance too!)

About Coach Summer & this body of work:

Summer pioneered this body of work after learning the Circular Strength Training method, and with the blessing of her long time Coach Scott Sonnon. She founded Clubbell Yoga, the first system in 2011 with many iterations and online programs since. She began teaching seminars in 2012 on loaded asana with clubs, and taught globally in London, Spain, Budapest, Australia, NYC, Chicago, Los Angeles and more. She published several progressive online courses featuring her work that truly bridged the gap between strength training and yoga. Summer started the Flow Shala Online studio in 2017 with Kinesiologyoga 101 (86 Videos covering her preparation

for this seminar). Her programs are extremely thorough, with layers of knowledge and application for any body wanting to better understand their own anatomy & musculoskeletal system. Summer is an expert in Flow State training applications and continues to serve her community at Flow Shala, a full service & virtual coaching facility based in Bellingham, WA. She teaches live seminars quarterly, and requires this course as a pre-requisite to attend her Steel Mace Vinyasa lvl 1 Seminar.

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How is this different than yoga and sculpt? Or different from other Yoga and strength programs?

Steel Mace Vinyasa Prime is a foundational program for building complexity into your training program, meaning you will be actually training your transitions... not just the poses. A transition is simply how we move from one pose to the next, and it is a key element of tapping into Flow State. When you move under load, and learn the proper order of operations, you will drastically improve your capacity to do work, improve your Range of Motion and start moving better and with less aches and pains. Often time pain is due to an inability to move a joint through a full range of motion. When motion gets limited, the fascia gets adhered and creates bound tissue that is even more resistant to moving. Steel Mace Vinyasa takes a systematic approach to unwinding bound fascia with breath and repetitions, so you learn the mobility correctly. [mobility is different than just stretching]. As you learn to master the conditioning drills presented in this course, you will open up your shoulders and hips in new ways you never thought possible.

Why is Steel Mace so effective and popular right now?

The Steel Mace is fashioned from the ancient weapon called a Gada, see for reference. When yielding this modern day weapon, or tool, it conjures up our warrior archetype. We need tools for survival, to protect ourselves and our families, to chop wood for heat, to provide self defense in battle. Using more primal based movement patterns is extremely satisfying to the brain and nervous system, because there is real consequence and we must pay even deeper attention to what is happening. Not all Steel Mace exercise programs ellicit a Flow state response, however Steel Mace Vinyasa Prime and all other Steel Mace Vinyasa programs are high level coaching programs that integrated this ancient wisdom and modern kinesiology principles to yield a consistent result, over and over again. Flow State crosses cultures, and this body of work is extremely powerful when practiced often.

Are you ready to step up your practice?

Get in touch with our team with any and all questions.

Summer Huntington, MS

Your Instructor

Summer Huntington holds a Masters in Kinesiology, an advanced 500 Hour Yoga Teacher training and has over 20,000 hours of movement coaching experience. She founded a comprehensive strength & yoga curriculum in 2011, and has taught her seminars globally. Summer is an expert in both Flow psychological applications as well as training applications, and specializes in mobility education. Her thesis examined Worksite Wellness interventions, and she continues to consult privately for Corporate Wellness clients, as well as in her signature Flow State of Mind Coaching. She owns and operates two local fitness studios, an online studio and a leads a team of wellness professionals, all in Flow.

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