Train Smarter, not harder.

 Train Flow. 

Get functionally fit, stronger, more mobile & out of pain with Flow Shala On-Demand! 


Try out our HIIT Classes with Steel Mace & Flow.
On Demand! Access 400+ on-demand, full length classes.
Build mobility & confidence in moving at home.


Get your 14-day Free Trial Below:



Get instant access to our entire On Demand library of 250+ pre-recorded classes, so you can train on your time!

Hour Long Classes taught by Summer and our high level movement coaches and include:

  •  Steel Mace HIIT Classes 
  • Restorative Yoga Classes
  • RAD Mobility Classes
  • Foundation Training for spine health
  • Steel Mace Vinyasa

And other high level Flow Education Classes like: 

  • Training on a 4 Day Wave
  • Ancestral Health & Nutrition
  • Moving in 6 Degrees of Freedom
  • How to take bodyweight measurements at home
  • How to maximize training for metabolic weight loss
  • 15 Minute Meditations with Summer

and so much more! 


14-Day Free Trial,  no catch

Cancel at anytime via  "Settings-> Billing Info"

What People are Saying

Allie Evans

"I started at Flow Shala about a year ago! I gained 40lbs when I started my current job and I was looking for a sustainable way to lose the weight and keep it off, so I signed up for a Six Week Challenge at Flow Shala and haven't looked back! Since starting at Flow Shala a year ago I have lost 40lbs, I have lost many inches all over my body, and I have gained a ton of muscle! I feel so much stronger!"

Andrea Cunningham

"I have been training at Flow Shala for a little over a year and have seen amazing results! I have tried a number of different “gyms” over the years and have never achieved anything near what I have achieved at Flow Shala and in way less time. I have lost about 15lbs and have kept it off without depriving myself of good food, I have completely leaned out and lost inches off my arms, legs, neck, etc. The best part of all of my success is I am strong on my mountain bike and skis, I am in the best shape maybe of my life and I feel confident in my body. I have also learned so much about breathworth and meditation, Flow Shala has helped me make so many positive life changes! I look forward to my conintued growth, physically & mentally! "

Tyler Fergeson

"I joined Flow Shala (virtually) in mid March of 2020. My goal when I joined was to become a better teacher and I can confidently state that I have achieved that goal. I have incorporated a lot of the structure, philosophies and trainings at Flow Shala into what I do. I am personally stronger. All of the tissue is on board with the change, not just the muscle leaving everyone else out in the dust! 😂 I've been healing a shoulder injury for the last few years and it is really feeling good right now. I have noticed a sense of flow in my daily activities. I have a pretty active mind and can often get in my own way. I'm moving through my days more steadily, approaching challenges and snags with a more even keel." 

Shawn Remple

"I've been at Flow Shala for 4 months and have seen a big difference mentally and physically. I've developed a better awareness & connection with my body, and my ability to activate specific muscles that haven't been firing when they should. It's helped with my strength, mobility, and even got me tapping into flow state more consistently. I always leave classes feeling energized, even though I'm tired!"

Ready to step into Flow? 


Get 14-Day Free Trial